Summer Bouquet
6x8, soft pastel
Wow! It’s time to get caught up on this blog. The reason I’m behind on posting is that my Blogger app on IOS devices stopped working (months ago) and I’m just now finding a solution that seems to work for posting to So, I’m back. I also didn’t participate in the 30in30 Challenge in September taking that time to travel to see family and enjoy what was left of summertime. Now that fall is in full swing...It’s time to get back to business.
I participated in the Eagle Plein Air Festival in June and had a great time...even though I was outside my comfort zone. I was delighted to win a best dry media ribbon for the little plein air piece above. I also painted the piece below at the Quick Draw competition (which was sold during the auction that followed). The Plein Air festival was a blast and I met several new friends along the way.
