Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Amber Glass

Amber Glass

6x6, oil

Day 5 of the Strada Easel Challenge:

I loved the way the amber glass was reflecting off the back wall of this little wooden box.  I'm giving myself a couple hours to crank something out each day...but I hope to refine this piece in the coming days.  I'm going to have to square-up this box going forward since the canvas is square (the painting looks as though I couldn't paint a straight line) but,s maybe that's the funky nature of these still lifes. For now, I'll call it finished.


In The Zone

 In The Zone

12x15, soft pastel

This piece has been brewing in my head for awhile. Finally, there was time in 2020 to give it it's due. I know what it's like to be "in the zone". It happens every time I paint. You lose all sense of time and place because you are completely focused on the creative task at hand. I knew that was the case for this gentleman too. I was drawn to his music as well as his state of mind.

He was playing a beautiful classical guitar piece at the Farmer's Market a couple years back. I love classical guitar music....and, I especially loved his "TIP" bucket.  I can still remember the scene...strong light was pouring over him from the alleyway, tons of people were chatting at nearby restaurants, and there was the fragrant smell of fresh breads and intoxicating scents of fresh cut flower. In all the cacophony, he didn't seem to notice as he focused on the gentle music flowing from his guitar. Simply put, he was "In The Zone".