Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Arms Outstretched

Arms Outstretched
6x8, soft pastel
This tree is outside our back door (actually in the backyard of our neighbor's acreage so fortunately we don't have to rake the leave it drops each fall),  I watch it all year long through the seasons and marvel at it's outstretched branches.  During the spring it vibrates with new life.  During the summer it's bark glows when touched by the setting sun.  During the fall it's absolutely radiant with autumn colors and during the winter it gathers much needed moisture from new fallen snow.  

I'm not a landscape artist.  Artistically speaking, trees have been my nemesis.  Painting them seems so daunting a task and there are many other subjects that I enjoy painting more (ie just about anything else).  During 2018 I hope to change this feeling of inadequacy by painting them more often.  After all, I love trees and have climbed many many trees in my lifetime.  It was my favorite pastime as a kid.  I can just imagine how fun it would be to climb this gentle giant.


  1. Good job on this Cindy. I am the opposite of you - I would rather paint landscapes than most other things but it is good to stretch your skills. Have fun trying to paint trees and landscapes more often!

    1. Thank you Val...I suppose there will be plenty of mediocre landscapes but hey, it's all about challenging oneself! Have a great 2018!

  2. This is lovely, Cindy. I especially like how you chose to handle the background of the tree. That seems strange to say, doesn't it? But I have such difficulty finishing a painting. The subject matter is clearer for me, but how to set it off, to complement its prominence, seems to be my greatest challenge. Hope you have a wonderful 2018!
