Sunday, February 9, 2020

PSA and The Butler Institute of American Art

I don’t normally use this blog for “narratives” unless it’s about a specific painting I’m working on or just completed. But, this morning I’m introspective and grateful so here goes.

All Things In Moderation:

There have been times where I’ve expressed my love for my family in this blog because they are so extremely important to me and honestly, I can’t come close to expressing those feelings adequately. Some people would think I’m just too emotional...but love runs deep for me, and intensely. Their happiness and wellbeing are paramount. So, having this passion for creating art seems a bit selfish. Ok, a whole lot of selfish! And I think to myself...should I be doing this?

Spending so many hours in my own little world over the past six years, I can’t help but I maintaining a balanced life? Most day’s I think I am...but it’s becoming increasingly hard to do so. Reading, watching videos, listening to podcasts (all art related) and above all...drawing and painting consumes me. I find that particularly odd since I’ve never had any interest or hobby during the course of my life take such a center stage. My family are extremely supportive of course but I worry about not spending enough time with each of them. My usual motto of “all things in moderation” flew right out the window when I started this journey with pastels.


So, what does this have to do with my title?  It’s back to the feeling of gratitude for everything and everyone I love...and an overwhelming sense of humility. And, I guess it’s also to acknowledge my second most important motto to “persevere”.

If I could give my children and grandchildren only one would be the ability to persevere. Most days, life clicks along at a satisfactory pace but life can also be very tough and there will be (not “may be”, but “will be”) some very difficult moments, days, weeks, months and maybe years. Times so difficult and feelings so agonizing you may feel that you can’t make it...but you can, we all can if we just persevere, have an open heart and stay the course. So, I guess what I leave behind for my family is modeling that philosophy of perseverance. That’s what I’ve been doing in my life and with my art. 

At first, the art critic inside my head was vicious. It’s a wonder I didn’t listen to it and quit before I’d really begun. It took a quote in one of Vincent Van Gogh’s letters to his brother to resonate with me. He said “if you hear a voice in your head that says you can’t paint, then by all means keep painting and the voice will be silenced”. He wasn’t a very good drawer or painter at first...but he persevered against overwhelming odds. More overwhelming than most of us have to deal with. I’m thankful he expressed those sentiments.

PSA and The Butler:

Without perseverance, it would be near impossible to achieve individual goals. I set a few art goals along the way and am slowly making headway. Recently, The Pastel Society of America (PSA) awarded me signature status (which was a goal I had set for myself a few years ago). It wasn’t until 2019 that I felt I was making the progress I needed to make in order to achieve that goal.  I am very pleased to have been juried into PSA as a signature member.

At the same time, The Butler Institute of American Art’s pastel exhibition is now underway and I am taken aback at seeing my artwork in the publications for this prestigious show. While I won’t be able to make it to Ohio to see the exhibition, I’m thrilled to share my painting with others that do attend. Below is a link to PSA’s website announcing the show.

So, at this point in my life, it’s on to the next goal!  And, hopefully maintaining some semblance of balance in my life and the strength mentally and physically to persevere.

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