Sunday, July 19, 2020

No Social Distancing Necessary

No Social Distancing Necessary
12x18, soft pastel

So, now it’s July...summer is in full swing, American cities have slowly reopened and sadly all Americans are now faced with an overwhelming spread of the virus.  To say that this year has been difficult is a gross understatement. It has been heartbreaking, devastating, and depressing as I hear of Facebook friends and their families across the globe who have lost dear ones to this virus. 

In America, the virus rages on and on and it has further divided people within an already divided country. The political turmoil and protests in recent years within the States has broken my heart...this virus has trampled it to pieces. Too dramatic a statement? I guess so...but that’s how it feels sometimes. As though all of humanity on earth is being tested...and as they say, “ only the strong will survive”. I firmly believe it’s not just those strong of body...but the strong minded...those who are strong on compassion and love, those who have the strength to simply persevere.

So, to those of you that may eventually read this, may you persevere through this most challenging of times. Draw on the strength within you. Embrace the love, the compassion, the inner strength you know you have. Focus on how you can help yourself and your community. We will all be stronger and hopefully a more compassionate human race going forward. Persevere! 

1 comment:

  1. Well said. It has changed everything. Stay well, stay safe and keep making those paintings. They put a smile on my face and lift my heart.
